Fear of Failure? That's Ok!

December 27, 2021

Embracing Failure: A Reflection on the Heartache Behind the Lessons

Failure. We've all heard the mantras: "No failures, only lessons," "If you want to avoid all failures, you might as well do nothing."

While these sayings encourage us not to fear failure, there's an aspect of it that we seldom discuss — the emotional toll it takes on our hearts.

Certainly, we shouldn't be paralyzed by fear. We should strive, learn, love, and pursue our goals. However, failure remains a realm we often wish to avoid, and it's not merely due to societal expectations or fear of judgment. It runs deeper. Our fear of failure is intrinsically linked to the profound connection between failure and love.

Beyond concerns about reputation or social consequences, the true fear of failure lies in the potential to lose a piece of what we hold dear and love. It might be an idea, a professional dream, a marriage, a marathon goal... The content can vary, yet it is irrelevant. The personal meaning is what remains vital, regadless of individual differences.

It is not our thoughts that bear the marks of failures but our hearts. Failures have the power to shape us not just emotionally, but fundamentally as they are attached to what we deeply care about today or cared about in the past.

As children, we fearlessly plunge into experiences, unburdened by the weight of heartache. However, adulthood brings an accumulation of situations and hardships, leading us to recognize that failures, in all their forms, are not to be taken lightly. Each one of us has lost a piece of themselves when an inevitable failure has occured. A broken heart, whether perceived or real, can linger, making us hesitant to expose ourselves to potential failures in the future.

The question 'Is it worth the risk of heartache?' is not trivial.

The truth is, a broken heart doesn't mend itself instantly. A great deal of courage, self-awareness, faith, hope, reflections and improvements are required in the process. Some never fully heal but simply evolve into new versions of themselves. If today your heart is fearful and suffers from the fear of future failure or the memory of a past one, know this: You are not alone.

Life is challenging, and none of us holds all the answers.

While we cannot shield ourselves from unpredictable events, we can be active agents in our personal journeys every day.

We can heal from past failures or future worries, not with time, but with intentional effort. We can grow, not solely by being destined, but by accepting the joy of responsibility.

Choose to be the lead character in your own story. Embrace the opportunities for failure, for within that same space lies the potential for success, happiness, and love. Life happens, and while we can't control everything, we can decide the plot we want to be part of.

Lots of love and respect

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