Sugar-free December: Honest Reflections

November 26, 2024

As December begins, the world gets caught up in the season of reflections. It's that time of year when every blog, magazine, and social media feed urges us to look back, to celebrate our wins, to count our blessings, and to see how far we’ve come. These reflections can be inspirational, no doubt, but let’s be honest—sometimes they come off a bit too sweet. It’s easy to get caught up in the urge to paint a glossy picture of a year well-lived, focusing on achievements while quietly ignoring what didn’t go according to plan.

At ILC International, we know that reflecting on the past year can be a powerful exercise, but only if it’s honest.

That's why we’re embracing a "sugar-free December." This month, we’re sharing an honest, unsweetened look back—not just at the highlights, but at the realities of a complex year. It’s a chance to celebrate successes, yes, but also to acknowledge what we didn’t get right, where we fell short, and how we’re learning from it.

The Pressure of Year-End Reflections

Reflection has become almost trendy. Each December, countless articles and tools emerge urging us to "look back and appreciate." We're told to be proud of what we've achieved, and to take stock of all the ways we’ve grown. And while this can be a powerful exercise, it’s easy to get caught up in only focusing on the good, the shiny, and the Instagram-worthy moments.

There’s a subtle pressure to present our reflections to ourselves—and sometimes others—as a highlight reel, rather than the honest truth.

Think about some of the most famous figures who have opened up about their own struggles. Oprah Winfrey has candidly spoken about the times she didn’t reach her goals or faced rejection. J.K. Rowling has shared how years of failure and hardship shaped her success. Even Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has reflected on moments when his year didn’t go as planned, acknowledging disappointments and unexpected turns. They didn’t hide behind their successes—they got real. And that’s what made their stories powerful.

Here at ILC International, we also had our version of unmet goals. At the start of 2024, we had big plans: to revamp our website, expand our online presence, and grow our team. These seemed like simple “must-do” tasks, but reality was more complicated. The website update happened, but it was partial—not the full overhaul we imagined. We didn’t expand our team significantly, but we did successfully launch an internship program, which brought in fresh talent for a few months. And despite aiming to be a steady, year-round business, we found ourselves still tied to a seasonal rhythm.

This is our reality, and we’re sharing it because we believe that honest reflection is more valuable than a perfect story. We all have plans that go unfinished, goals that need more time, and dreams that didn’t take off.

So, how can we create a sugar-free December for ourselves? How can we look back at the year in a way that’s both empowering and honest? Here are three reflection exercises to guide you:

1. Complete the Sentence: "This Year, I Gave Up On..."

Just like us at ILC International, you probably had goals that didn’t fully materialize. Sometimes, what seems straightforward in January looks very different by December. This exercise helps you confront the reality of what you let go, not with regret, but with acceptance.

Instructions: Set a timer for 10-15 minutes. Write down the sentence: “This year, I gave up on…” and fill in the blanks. List anything you intended to do but didn’t manage to complete—be it a professional goal, a personal habit, or an ambition that faded. Don’t filter your thoughts, and don’t judge them. The aim is to acknowledge what didn’t happen and why it didn’t.

Why It Works: Recognizing where we shifted focus or changed direction isn’t about blame—it’s about clarity. We’re allowed to change our minds or prioritize differently. For us at ILC, it’s understanding why our team didn’t grow as expected and what it means for our strategy next year. Just like Oprah, who has spoken openly about times she had to redirect her focus and adapt, acknowledging what we let go of can be a source of strength.

2. Identify "The Honest Win"

Not every success has to be dramatic or perfectly executed. Sometimes, it’s about the small, incremental progress—the things that might not be headline-worthy, but matter deeply to you. We know that feeling all too well. For us, a significant “honest win” was launching a successful internship program that brought fresh energy to our team, even if it didn’t result in long-term hires. We also improved our online presence, even if only for a short while.

Instructions: Look back over the year and identify three “honest wins”—achievements that are meaningful, even if they don’t look perfect. Write down why they mattered to you and what they taught you. These could be small steps toward a bigger goal or something that simply made you proud.

Why It Works: “Honest wins” help us reframe our expectations and appreciate genuine progress. They remind us that, like J.K. Rowling’s early career, where small, unnoticed steps eventually led to big breakthroughs, our journey is built on incremental growth.

3. Reframe a Regret

Regrets are part of any reflective process. We all have things we wish we could have handled differently, from missed opportunities to missteps. For us, staying a seasonal business instead of achieving a steady year-round model was a clear regret. But reflecting on it honestly allows us to understand the challenges we faced and how we might approach them differently next year.

Instructions: Choose one regret that’s been weighing on you. Reflect on it honestly and then reframe it—what did you learn from it? How did it shape you? Write about what you would say to someone else dealing with a similar situation. Focus on the lesson, not the mistake.

Why It Works: Facing regrets without sugar-coating them can provide insight. It turns a perceived failure into a stepping stone, giving clarity and purpose for the future. It’s like Dwayne Johnson acknowledging the years he struggled before he found his true path—by confronting our regrets, we transform them into guides for our next steps.

A Path to Self-Forgiveness

Before closing the book on 2024, let’s talk about self-forgiveness. Often, the most honest reflection will bring up feelings of disappointment or failure. That’s normal. It’s part of the process. We need a way to release the guilt and offer ourselves some grace. Here’s an exercise to help:

4. "Write a Letter of Forgiveness to Yourself"

Instructions: Find a quiet space and write a letter to yourself. Acknowledge what you wish you had done differently. Then, forgive yourself for being imperfect, for making mistakes, and for being human. Tell yourself what you are proud of, even if it's just surviving a hard year. Recognize your efforts, and express a commitment to keep moving forward with kindness.

Why It Works: Forgiveness is a way to end the year with a lighter heart. It’s a reminder that you don’t need to be flawless to be worthy of your own compassion.

You did your best with what you knew and who you were at the time.

We at ILC are using this exercise to remind ourselves that our journey is not defined by unmet goals but by our persistence and willingness to grow.

Conclusion: Reflect Honestly, With Purpose

As we navigate this sugar-free December, let’s not shy away from the truth. Real reflection isn’t about perfection. It’s about progress. It’s about acknowledging the challenges alongside the triumphs, and understanding that sometimes, growth isn’t linear—it’s messy, surprising, and often slower than we expect.

Here at ILC International, we’re committed to being transparent with you, our community, about our journey. Our path this year wasn’t flawless, but it was real, and we’re proud of every step we took—no matter how small. We hope that by sharing our own honest reflections, you’ll feel inspired to do the same. Together, let’s step into the new year with clarity, authenticity, and a commitment to growth, however that may look for each of us.

Wishing you a December of honest reflections and a bright start to the new year.


The ILC International Team

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